


My compositions are available at Köbl Edition


1. Flute duo

- Flötenfee and Friends: 40 Duette in aufsteigendem Schwierigkeitsgrad

für zweiQuerflöten oder Querflöte und Altflöte- 2021

40 duos progressifs pour deux flûtes traversières ou flûte traversière et flûte en sol

40 progressive duets for two flutes or flute and alto flute

"Le Rappel des Oiseaux”

The 2. part can also be performed by an alto flute (except N° 29, 34, 39 and 40).

Niveau: Cycle 1 à cycle 3 /Very easy to difficult level

Pour le cours, les auditions, concerts et concours.

Für den Unterricht, Klassenvorspiele, sowie Konzerte und Wettbewerbe.

For flute lesson, recital and competitions.

Inhalt / Sommaire / Index:

1.Raphaëlle Zaneboni : Petit souffle
2. Französisches Volkslied : La pluie, le vent *
3. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Petite chanson, sur un thème traditionnel
4. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Perles des jardins
5. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Oiseaux des bois
6. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Oiseau Lyre
7. Claude Gervaise (1510-1558): Pavane *
8. Französisches Volkslied: Maudit sois-tu carillonneur *
9. Französisches Volkslied: Quand je suis parti de la Rochelle *
10. Deutsches Weihnachtslied: Komm, Nachtigall mein *
11. Französisches Volkslied: L'âness est tombée dans le fossé *
12. Deutsches Weihnachtslied: Lieb Nachtigall, wach auf! *
13. Volkslied: Alles schweiget, Nachtigallen *
14. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Petite cascade dans la forêt
15. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Pluie cristalline
16. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Gib Dich zufrieden *
17. Volkslied aus America: Amazing Grace *
18. Volkslied aus America: Shenandoah *
19. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Menuet *
20. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Polonaise *
21. Georg Friedrich Händel (1685-1759): Sonate in F Dur, Larghetto und Allegro *
22. Georg Philipp Telemann (1681-1767): Sonate in F Dur, Vivace *
23. Christoph Willibald Gluck (1714-1787): Oper "Orpheus und Eurydike", Reigen selige Geister *
24. Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741): Concerto Il Gardellino, Cantabile *
25. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791): Il Nozze di Figaro, Ouvertüre *
26. Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791): Die Kleine Nachtmusik, Minuetto *
27. Camille Saint-Saëns (1835-1921): Carnaval des Animaux, Poules et coqs *
28. Maurice Ravel (1875-1937): Pavane de la Belle au bois dormant *
29. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Nuit étoilée
30. Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683 - 1764): La Villageoise, Rondeau *
31. Peter I. Tschaikowski (1840 - 1893): Suite de casse-noisette, Danse de la fée dragée *
32. Claude Debussy (1862 - 1918): Golliwogg' s Cakewalk *
33. Jean-Philippe Rameau (1683 - 1764): Le Rappel des oiseaux *
34. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Notos
35. Johann Sebastian Bach (1685-1750): Suite in H-moll, Badinerie *
36. Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741): Concerto Il Gardellino, Allegro *
37. Eric Satie (1866-1925): Le Piccadilly *
38. Eric Satie (1866-1925): Valse - Ballet *
39. Georges Bizet (1838-1875): Opéra Carmen, Choeur des gamins *
40. Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Interlude pour deux papillons

* Arr. by Raphaëlle Zaneboni

Hörprobe (Recording) Duo Nr. 28

2. Flute trio

- Trois Pièces, Drei Stücke- 2006

1    La Licorne, Das Einhorn

2    Esquisse, Skizze

3    Ballade für Irmgard 

The 3. part can be performed by a C flute, a bass flute, an alto flute or a bassoon.

- Dix petites pièces pour trois flûtes, Zehn kleine Flötentrios - 2008

For three C flutes

1    Comptine, Abzählvers 

2    Petit Canon, Kleiner Canon -

3    L’Echo malin, Das schelmische Echo

4    Ruisselet, Bächlein 

5    Petit Moulin, Kleine Wassermühle 

6    Petite marche, Kleiner Marsch

7    Plaintine, Kleine Klage 

8    Vent capricieux, Ein kapriziöser Wind 

9    Papillons, Schmetterlinge

10   Paysage, Ein Landschaftsbild

- Cinq Portraits pour trois flûtes, Fünf Porträts für Flötentrio - 2012

For three C flutes

1    Berceuse pour Marco, Wiegenlied für Marco

2    Camarel

3    Le Roi de la Montagne Blanche, Der König der Weißen Berge

4    Petite Poésie pour P., Kleine Poesie für P.

5    Le Voyageur, Der Wanderer

The 3. part can be performed by a C flute or an alto flute.

3. Flute quartet or flute ensemble (with 4 parts)

- Dans un jardin..., In einem Garten for 4 Piccoli or Flute Quartet (and Sprecher ad libitum) - 2007

The 4. part play piccolo and a C flute) / Sprecher ou récitant ad libitum.

Hörprobe (recording)

- Sonatina Quartett for Flute Quartet - 2008

1    Méditation, Meditation

2    Escapade, Die Eskapade

3    Matin calme, Der Ruhige Morgen

4    Aventure, Das Abenteuer

- Visages pour quatre flûtes“le Cycle du Temps” - 2015

1    La fileuse, die Spinnerin

2    La messagère, die Botin

3    La gardienne des étoiles, die Hüterin der Sterne

4    L’érudit, die Gelehrte

The 4. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute or a bass flute.

Hörprobre: La fileuse und La gardienne des étoiles

- Visages maritimes for flute quartet or flute ensemble “le Cycle du Temps” - 2016

1    Vagues, Wellen

2    L’île au dragon dormant, Insel des schlafenden Drachens

3    Sirènes du Nord, Sirenen des Nordens

4    Géants de glace, Eis-Riesen

The 4. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute or a bass flute.

Hörprobre: Sirènes du Nord

4. Flute ensemble (with 5 parts)

- "Petite pièce en trois mouvements pour ensemble de flûtes" Kleines Stück in drei Sätzen - 2007

For 5 flutes or flute ensemble (with piccolo, 4 C flutes). The 5. part can be performed by a C flute, a bass flute or an alto flute.

- Visagesmaritimesfor flute quartet or flute ensemble“le Cycle du Temps”- 2016

1    Vagues, Wellen

2    L’île au dragon dormant, Insel des schlafenden Drachens

3    Sirènes du Nord, Sirenen des Nordens

4    Géants de glace, Eis-Riesen

The 4. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute or a bass flute. Bass flute 2 ad libitum.

- Raphaëlle Zaneboni: Trois petites valses estivales pour cinq flûtes traversières - Drei kleine Sommerwalzer für fünf Querflöten - 2024


Flöte 1

Flöte 2

Flöte 3 oder Altflöte

Bassflöte oder Fagott

5. Flute ensemble with 14 parts

- Clèo and the submerged Temple for 14 flutes to The Flutua flute ensemble - 2020

1 piccolo, 6 flutes, 3 alto flutes, 3bass flutes, 1contrabass flute (or subcontrabass flute)

Hörprobe (Ensemble Flutua der Universität Aveiro, Portugal) (Recording)

The first piece of the recording

- Suite pour Isabella pour 14 flûtes - 2021

1 piccolo, 6 flutes, 3 alto flutes, 3bass flutes, 1contrabass flute (or subcontrabass flute). With Dancers and a staging ad libitum.

To the Ensemble Flutua

6. Flute and piano

- Flötenfee, 35 fun pieces for flute and piano / Band 1 - 2017

Pour débutants flûtistes, for beginners, für Änfanger.

 Hörprobe: Nr. 3 / Nr. 8 / Nr. 26

- Flötenfee, 25 fun flute pieces for flute and piano/ Band 2- 2019

Pour débutants flûtistes, for beginners, für Änfanger.

- Bavaria ou Matin sur la plaine for flute and piano- 2022

For concert or competition

7. Trio or Quartet with piano

- ”Trio Latino" - 2012

For 2 flutes and piano or Vibraphon

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, an oboe, an english horn or a saxophone (alternately alto, tenor and soprano saxophone).

- "Mélusine et les quatre Châteaux", Trio in four pictures - 2015 / 2018

1. Bild Le Château de Mélusine 2015

For 2 flutes and piano (with two alto flutes ad libitum)

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute /with an alto flute ad libitum, a B flat clarinet or a horn in F.

2. Bild “Château en fête” 2016

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes and piano

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, a B flat clarinet, an english horn or a bassoon.

Recording (flute, clarinet, english horn and piano)

3. Bild "Château dans les brumes" 2017

For 2 or 3 C flutes and piano

The 2. part and the 3. part can be played by a B flat clarinet. Moreover, the 3. part can either be played by an alto flute or an english horn.

Recording (flute, english horn and piano)

4. Bild “Château oublié” 2017-2018

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes an piano

The 2. part can be performed by a soprano saxophone, a B flat clarinet, a C flute, an alto flute or an english horn.

Recording (flute, english horn and piano)

- Le rêve de Mélusine - Quatuor 2019

for flute (with piccolo and alto flute or bass flute ad lib.), violin or A clarinet, violoncello or bassoon and piano.

8. Four French horns

- Visages pour quatre cors - "le Cycle du Temps"- 2015

1    La fileuse, die Spinnerin

2    La messagére, die Botin

3    La gardienne des étoiles, die Hüterin der Sterne

4    L’érudie, die Gelehrte

9. Piano solo

- Pentaphémère pour piano solo- “le Cycle du Temps” - 2012/2014

1    Tourbillon, Fantaisie

2    Miroir, Fantaisie

3    Danse au firmament, Fantaisie

4    Poésie, Interlude

5    Escapade, Prélude et fugue

10. Flute solo

- Quartessence pour flûte solo - “le Cycle du Temps” - 2012

1    Air, Luft

2    Feu, Feuer

3    Terre, Erde

4    Eau, Wasser

Recording Wasser

Recording Terre

Recording Terre

- Récréations et contines, Huit études mélodiques pour flûte seule - "le Cycle du Temps”- 2015

Acht melodische Etüden für Flöte Solo

Eight studies for flute solo

1    Serpolet,

2    La fileuse, Die Spinnerin,

3    La petite grenouille verte et la princesse indigo, Der Frosch und die Prinzessin,

4    Le moulin du pré jaune, Die gelbe Wassermühle

5    Le prince et la licorne, Der König und das Einhorn

6    Les abeilles blanches, Die Weiße Bienen

7    La petite sirène, Die Meerjungfrau

8    L’éclipse du soleil bleu, Die blaue Sonnenfinsternis

Recording: www.floetenfee.eu (Tracks 1 - 3)

Recording La Fileuse

Recording La petite grenouille verte et la princesse indigo

- Iridescence for flute solo (with piccolo ad libitum) - 2018

Recording: www.floetenfee.eu (Tracks 4 - 5)

11. Flute and harp

"Suite for the Queen” "Suite für die Königin” "Suite pour la Dame à la Licorne" 2017/2018

Suite for the Queen for flute and harp was composed in July of 2017.

The suite is inspired by the fate of Mary Tudor (1496-1533), Queen of France. Her beauty and personality likely also influenced the creator of the well-known six Renaissance wall tapestries, La Dame à la Licorne (The Lady and the Unicorn).

1. Abschiedsbrief / Goodbye my Land! / Lettre dadieu

2. Die Durchfahrt / The Crossing / La traversée

3. Zaubergarten / Magic Garden / Jardin étrange

4. Einhornjagd / Unicorn Hunt / Chasse à la Licorne

5. Festmahl für die Königin / Feast for the Queen / Banquet pour la Reine 

6. Der aufgekündigte Bund / The Broken Alliance / Le pacte brisé

Video - Duo Proserpina

12. Trio with clarinet

- "Mélusine et les quatre Châteaux", Trio in four pictures - 2015 / 2018

1. Bild Le Château de Mélusine 2015

For 2 flutes and piano (with two alto flutes ad libitum)

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute /with an alto flute ad libitum, a B flat clarinet or a horn in F.

2. Bild “Château en fête” 2016

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes and piano

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, a B flat clarinet, an english horn or a bassoon.

Recording (flute, clarinet, english horn and piano)

3. Bild "Château dans les brumes" 2017

For 2 or 3 C flutes and piano

The 2. part and the 3. part can be played by a B flat clarinet. Moreover, the 3. part can either be played by an alto flute or an english horn.

Recording (flute, english horn and piano)

4. Bild “Château oublié” 2017-2018

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes an piano

The 2. part can be performed by a soprano saxophone, a B flat clarinet, a C flute, an alto flute or an english horn.

Recording (flute, english horn and piano)

13. Trio with French horn

- "Mélusine et les quatre Châteaux", Trio in four pictures- 2015 / 2018

1. Bild Le Château de Mélusine 2015

For 2 flutes and piano (with two alto flutes ad libitum)

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute /with an alto flute ad libitum, a B flat clarinet or a horn in F.

2. Bild “Château en fête” 2016

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes and piano

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, a B flat clarinet, an english horn or a bassoon.

Recording (flute, clarinet, english horn and piano)

4. Bild “Château oublié” 2017-2018

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes an piano

The 2. part can be performed by a soprano saxophone, a B flat clarinet, a C flute, an alto flute or an english horn.

Recording (flute, english horn and piano)

14. Trio with saxophone

- "Trio Latino"- 2012

For flute, saxophone (alternately alto, tenor and soprano saxophone) and piano or Vibraphon

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, an oboe, an english horn or a saxophone (alternately alto, tenor and soprano saxophone).

- 4. Bild “Château oublié” 2017-2018

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes an piano

The 2. part can be performed by a soprano saxophone, a B flat clarinet, a C flute, an alto flute or an english horn.

Recording (flute, english horn and piano)

15. Trio with oboe and English horn

- "Trio Latino"- 2012

For flute, saxophone (alternately alto, tenor and soprano saxophone) and piano or Vibraphon

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, an oboe, an english horn or a saxophone (alternatety alto, tenor and soprano saxophone).

- "Mélusine et les quatre Châteaux", Trio in four pictures- 2015 / 2018

2. Bild “Château en fête” 2016

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes and piano

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, a B flat clarinet, an english horn or a bassoon.

Recording (flute, clarinet, english horn and piano)

3. Bild "Château dans les brumes" 2017

For 2 or 3 C flutes and piano

The 2. part and the 3. part can be played by a B flat clarinet. Moreover, the 3. part can either be played by an alto flute or an english horn.

Recording (flute, english horn and piano)

4. Bild “Château oublié” 2017-2018

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes an piano

The 2. part can be performed by a soprano saxophone, a B flat clarinet, a C flute, an alto flute or an english horn.

Recording (flute, english horn and piano)

16. Trio with bassoon

 "Mélusine et les quatre Châteaux", Trio in four pictures- 2015 / 2018

2. Bild “Château en fête” 2016

For flute, Horn in F and piano or 2 flutes and piano

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, a B flat clarinet, an english horn or a bassoon.

Recording (flute, clarinet, english horn and piano)

17. Trio with vibraphone

- "Trio Latino"- 2012

For flute, saxophone (alternately alto, tenor and soprano saxophone) and piano or Vibraphon

The 2. part can be performed by a C flute, an alto flute, an oboe, an english horn or a saxophone (alternatety alto, tenor and soprano saxophone).

18. Orchestra

- Saphir, der kleine blaue Drache, ein musikalisches Märchen für Orchester oder Kammerensemble und Sprecher.(deutsche Sprache) - 2020

Orchester Besetzung:
2 Querflöten - 2 Oboen - 2 Klarinetten in B - 1 Fagott - 1 Horn in F - 1 Klavier - 2 Pauken Violine 1 - Violine 2 - Viola - Violoncello - Kontrabass -Sprecher (siehe Libretto)

Kammerensemble Besetzung:2 Querflöten - 2 Oboen - 2 Klarinetten in B - 1 Fagott -1 Horn in F - 1 Klavier - 2 Pauken (ad libitum) - Kontrabass - Sprecher (siehe Libretto)

1. Die Legende des Dunklen Drachen
2. Die Kristallhöhle
3. Die Zauberkunst
4. Zéphiro
5. Zauberbuch
6. Der Kreis
7. Epilog

- Saphir le dragon magicien. Conte musical pour orchestre ou ensemble de musique de chambre et récitant (langue française) - 2020

Composition de l'orchestre : 2 flûtes - 2 hautbois - 2 clarinettes en si bémol - 1 basson - 1 cor en fa - 1 piano- 2 timbales - violon 1- violon 2 - alti - violoncelle - contrebasse - récitant (voir le livret)

Composition de l'ensemble de musique de chambre : 2 flûtes - 2 hautbois- 2 clarinettes en si bémol - 1 basson- 1 cor en fa- 1 piano - 2 timbales (ad libitum)- contrebasse - récitant (voir le livret)

1. La légende du Dragon Noir
2. La cage de cristal
3. La magie
4. Zéphiro
5. Grimoire
6. Le cercle
7. Epilogue

Hörproben, Extraits audio


“Recording" N° 6 -11



© Raphaelle Zaneboni 2012-2025